Material Probing Routine
Our Automatic Stock Location routine allows you to quickly and easily locate the position of your stock in the machine. It will report back the X and Y location of the front left corner, as well as the height of your stock
1. Fixture your material to the bed and make sure that there is direct electrical contact between the material and the bed of the Desktop CNC Milling Machine.
2. Install a 1/4” or 1/8” probe and perform a tool touch-off.
3. Navigate to the Material Setup tab, and enter the size of the material you’re using in the Material Type and Size dropdown menu.
4. Under Material Placement, click the Material Offset Probing Routines button, select Automatic Stock Probing, and follow the steps as prompted. You’ll need to jog the spindle roughly 1” above the stock and 1” from the front and left edges of your stock.
5. Click Start and watch as the Bantam Tools software locates your material.
6. Once you’re done, click Accept, and the Bantam Tools software will update your material location in the preview.